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How to make $100's with an Etsy side hustle

Updated: Mar 1, 2023

Etsy has become a popular marketplace for people to sell their handmade crafts and vintage items. But you don't need to be a crafty person to set up an Etsy shop; you just need some basic computer skills. The process is simple: set up an account, buy your supplies, and start creating your product line. This guide will explain how to get started with your own Etsy side hustle!

Start with an account.

  • Sign up for an Etsy account

  • Create a business name

  • Create a business profile that includes your shop policies, shipping information and tax rates (if applicable)

  • Add a payment method such as PayPal or Stripe so you can collect funds from sales in your shop

Pick your niche.

Next, you need to pick your niche. This is the most important part of this process because it will help you determine what type of product(s) to sell and how much money you can make with an Etsy side hustle.

First, think about what you're passionate about and what are some of your hobbies? Do you enjoy cooking or baking? Are there any types of food that really stand out as being your favourites? Do they have anything in common--like maybe they all use spices from one country or region (eastern Europe) or have similar cooking techniques (deep frying).

Set a price point.

The price you set for your product will depend on the market and what people are willing to pay for it. For example, if your item is unique, there may be less competition and you can charge more. On the other hand, if there are lots of similar items available at low prices (like t-shirts), then your price will need to reflect that fact.

The best way to figure out what other sellers are charging is by using an online price comparison tool such as Price Checker or CamelCamelCamel (CCCC). These tools allow you to search through thousands of products for sale on Amazon or Etsy respectively; once you've found something similar, they'll tell you how much money people are paying for it!

Know your audience.

There are two ways to make money on Etsy: you can sell your own products or you can sell other people's products.

If you want to sell your own products, then the first step is knowing who would buy them. Think about what kind of things people in your niche like and how much they're willing to pay for them. You should also consider how much time and effort it will take for you to make those items; if there's too much time involved, then maybe it's not worth selling at all! For example, if someone wants a custom-made wedding dress with their name embroidered on the back (yes, this exists), then they might be willing to pay $500 or more for it--but if making something like that takes too long and costs too much money upfront with no guarantee of success (or even getting paid), then maybe this isn't the best idea for making money online either..

Put together a collection of items you can sell and promote on your Etsy shop.

To get started, you'll need to create a collection of items to sell on your Etsy shop.

  • Create a theme. This can be anything from "Christmas" to "vintage kitchenware." The more specific the theme, the easier it will be for customers to find what they're looking for and understand what you have available for purchase (and why).

  • Use style guides as inspiration for creating your own product line. If you like how another seller arranges their shop or uses certain colours in their branding materials, use those ideas as starting points when planning out your own brand identity and aesthetic vision.

  • Use colour guides as inspiration when selecting products that match well together in terms of colour scheme--this way, people browsing through images will see items grouped together based on how they look rather than just being thrown onto one page randomly!

Post photos and descriptions of your items.

Once you have your items, it's time to take photos and write descriptions for each item. You can use an iPhone or Android phone, or any other camera that allows you to take close-up shots of your products.

If the product has a pattern or colour scheme (like my scarf), it's best if you photograph it in natural lighting so that the colours are true-to-life. If there is no pattern or colour scheme (like my coffee mug), then any kind of light will do--but avoid direct sunlight as this will cause shadows on your product!

When photographing yourself holding an item as part of a "look book" style postcard campaign...

Put prices on the items, set up shipping and tax information, and check out reviews before you list your business for the first time.

Once you've made your first sale, it's time to put prices on the items. You can do this by clicking "Edit" next to each item and entering a price or starting with an average price per unit that reflects what similar products are going for in Etsy's marketplace, then adjusting from there based on how much work went into making your product and how much demand there is for it.

Once you have set prices for all of your products, it's time to add shipping information so that customers know what they're paying for shipping before they purchase something from you. To do this:

  • Click "Edit" next to each product listing in turn (or select multiple listings at once)

  • Scroll down past where it says "Add tags" until you reach "Shipping & Policies" section near bottom of page

  • Add any relevant information here including whether or not there are hidden costs like duties or taxes; whether or not buyers need special licenses/permissions before ordering; etc

Use Etsy's tools to promote your new store front, like their search engine optimization (SEO) services and Shop Stats toolkit that provides information about how many views each item has received in addition to other data points such as total revenue earned from sales on all listings within a given time period (day, week, month). These data points are helpful for making informed decisions about what types of products or content to post next on your listing page(s).

  • Use Etsy's tools to promote your new store front, like their search engine optimization (SEO) services and Shop Stats toolkit that provides information about how many views each item has received in addition to other data points such as total revenue earned from sales on all listings within a given time period (day, week, month). These data points are helpful for making informed decisions about what types of products or content to post next on your listing page(s).

  • Use the SEO Services section of your dashboard to boost the visibility of items from within an existing store by creating tags for them that include relevant keywords. You can also use this section when you're ready to launch a new shop by setting up tags before publishing any items so they'll appear in search results right away after going live with the first product listing!

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